Quality management and methods of characterisation of food products

main objectives

Food Science and technology and Sensory analysis and consumer behaviour, Understand the importance of quality control in the agri-food chain and how detect and control the potential risk factors, including diagnostic, prevention and control of risks/quality in the agri-food chain , Manage the quality of food products with label of quality, Determine the specification of a new food product: be able to characterise a food product through analysis (physical, chemical and microbiological),

general content

Microbiology, food intoxication, hygiene in the process,HACCP,Approach of certification (ISO22000, IFS, BRC) and signs of quality,Microbiological control,Texture characterisation/ thermal analysis,Sensorial characterisation/ color characterisation,Study to compare industrial & traditional production (starting and monitoring)


Homework: group and individual reports in French, rapport of synthesis of the practical work results in French, bibliography report in English,Final Exam: The Final Exam will be in class during the examination period.