

Agronomy and ecology
USC Legumes, Crop Ecophysiology, Agroecology (USC LEVA)
+33 2 41 23 56 78 Profil Research Gate Profil Linkedin

Having a background in Agronomy, she performed a PhD dealing with N acquisition in cereal-legume intercrops (2005) and defended her HDR (Accreditation to supervise research) from the university of Angers in 2012. From 2005, at ESA, her research is focused on a better understanding of the agro-ecological roles of grain legumes and aims at improving the sustainability of cropping systems thanks to spatial diversification. Her main topics deal with plant-plant interactions for light and N sharing, above and belowground growth of intercropped species, competitive ability of intercrops against weeds and quantification of the benefits and trade-offs of temporal and spatial diversification in cropping systems. She develops her research in multidisciplinary projects on crop diversification with various actors from research and development. She was recently involved in the H2020 diverIMPACTS project (WP leader, coordination of a European network of field experiments on crop diversification). She teaches agronomy, ecophysiology, experimental methods in Master and Bachelor of Science degrees. Authored or co-authored 31 peer reviews research papers related to legumes in cropping systems and intercropping. 

Numéro ORCID : 0000-0002-3959-6214