Part of the Food Science department, I oversee activities of rheological measurements in the lab (pedagogical or consultancy). However, my main expertise is about the development of local food production in France, in Europe and overseas. This expertise includes the analysis and the social and economic impacts of local food systems on territories and the development of products of origin and Geographical indications, first to serve the producers. So, for it, I manage an Erasmus Mundus Master Course named Food IDentity which trains the future experts of the food products deeply rooted in the culture, deeply linked to communities and deeply linked to habits and know-how. The MSc Food Identity is a multidisciplinary programme which trains future experts in the agrifood sector with an international vision of culture, regulation, market analysis and competences in food processing, authentication, sensory analysis, quality control, marketing strategy and entrepreneurship.
ORCID : 0000-0002-6972-3886