Enabling elderly people (AP) who are losing their independence at home to remain active in their own diet for as long as possible in order to age in good health – “Preserving the pleasure of eating to combat malnutrition

The project

Delaying the loss of autonomy of elderly people living at home by enabling them to remain active in their diet for as long as possible and thus prevent the risks of malnutrition is the aim of the Alim’âge project, initiated by the Pays de la Loire Gérontopôle, approved by the Valorial competitiveness cluster and supported by the Pays de la Loire Region.

The aim is to develop, in the form of a package of products and services, adapted and modular solutions in response to the needs and expectations of the elderly and accepted by them. The innovative nature of the project is based on the co-construction of the content of the package with the various stakeholders (elderly people, carers and home helps). These offers will be tested in three regional territories to prove the concept with a view to deployment by personal services structures.

Alim’âge will take place over the period 2020-2022 by combining the multidisciplinary skills of :

– 3 home help structures (ADMR44, ADMR85 and AMPER structure of the MSA Services for the 56),

– 2 SMEs specialising in food for seniors (SAVEURS ET VIE, a home delivery company and SADAC-CYRANIE, a manufacturer of nutritional solutions)

– 1 consultancy structure (ALTIC), project leader,

– 2 research laboratories, from the Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture d’Angers and the University of Tours, experts respectively in nutrition and the psychology of the elderly,

– 1 dietician.


Dates : 2019 – 2022


– Project led by the company ALTIC

– Contact at GRAPPE: Isabelle MAITRE i.maitre@groupe-esa.com