Eco-responsible production in ornamental horticulture

– To develop technical itineraries and technical-economic references to provide products adapted to the demands of the markets and society by :
o The development of technical itineraries to improve the environmental performance of horticultural products in order to develop an “eco-responsible” plant range without synthetic chemical phytosanitary products,
o Study and integration of consumer expectations and perceptions in the innovation process,
o Evaluation of the economic and ecological relevance of this type of product.
– To ensure the transfer and appropriation of these technical itineraries by the horticultural sector in order to support professionals in proposing a response to consumers’ expectations for “eco-responsible products without synthetic phytosanitary products”.

 Dates : January 2021 – December 2023


– Project led by EST HORTICOLE

– Contact at GRAPPE: Ronan SYMONEAUX