Design of a Food Product

main objectives

The course Unit Code (UE) aims to train agricultural and food (agri-food) business managers qualified in the development of new food products, on a small scale, while meeting product specifications. It is built around specific projects ordered by food businesses, seeking to implement innovation and development projects for a range of products. Students and the faculty team act as a design office to carry out the project to a successful conclusion.,This Unite Code (UE) is further developed by the UE “Pilot Production of a Food Product” (IM2-CIP-PP), which covers the industrial approach to implementing new products. ,Both the UE 2 courses train engineers in the sectors of R&D, production and quality control departments, to name a few.,

general content

- Design a food product on a small scale.,- Food product innovation,- Food additives and processing aids,- Specific process (depending on the projects being studied),- Preparation and packaging ,- Quality : Characterization, traceability, quality control,- Environmental impact of the industrial business: Standards, product life cycle, etc.,- Production engineering tools : Product management, statistical “data plans”, information and decision support systems,


- Classes - Practical Work – Field Trips,- Study carried out in cooperation with an engineering firm or an outside industrial partner in teams of 5-6 students.,


- 1 Written group report,- 1 Individual Oral Examination (Defense) in front of a jury,- 1 Individual grade for participation in the project,