Economic Conjunctures

main objectives

- To understand how the national economy works.,- To be familiar with various economic policies and understand their consequences.,- To know what indicators are used, their importance and their limits. ,- To understand the interdependence of markets, prices and aggregates. ,,To be able to understand economic policy measures and to explain them by using economic theory which make up the rules of operation for a country's economy. ,,

general content

Chapter 1: Introduction to Macroeconomics ,• Microeconomics and Macroeconomics,• Macroeconomic Issues: Origin, introduction to the State,• The Scope of Macroeconomics: GDP, Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate (definition, calculation methods, limits,• Other key concepts! (Long Term, Medium Term and Short Term, Gross National Product, Gross National Income),,Chapter 2: Actors, Transactions, Economic Cycles,• Economic Actors: Institutional Sectors ,• Economic Operations: Goods and service transactions, distribution/allocation, financial operations/transactions,• Economic Cycles: Organising flow between sectors and operations (actual flows, monetary flows),,Chapter 3: Economic Growth,,Chapter 4: Currency and funding the economy,,Chapter 5: The IS-LM Model in a Closed Economy: construct the Investment/Saving IS Curve, Liquid Preference/Money Supply Equilibrium LM Curve, the Hicks ISLM model balance and analyse the effects of budgetary policies, monetary policies, mixed policies,,Chapter 6: The Mundell-Fleming Model (IS-LM for an open economy): Exchange rate, interest rate, trade balance, balance in an open economy, effects of budgetary and monetary policies,


11 Lectures (CM) (16.5 hrs): Macroeconomic theory, indicators, methods of calculations, analysis, etc. ,6 Seminars (9 hrs): Improve advanced skills/analyse/application of notions in Lectures (CM), 2 Project Work (TD) (3 hrs): Case Study: Analysis by country (group work) ,Dossier + Oral Report: Know how to research, prioritize and critically analyze data in order to establish an economic analysis ,


Evaluation of group work: Dossier + Oral Report (groups of 6),,Final Evaluation: Exam 1 hr 30 minutes (knowledge check + exercise),


Macroeconomics, Blanchard et al. (Ed. Pearson, 2013),Principes de l’économie, G.Mankiw (éd. Economica, 1998),