Applied Ecology in Modified Ecosystems 1

main objectives

The main objectives are i) to develop your analysis of environmental problems and of different approaches to solving them ii) to know how to conduct a valid literature search to identify practical and usable knowledge iii) to know how to describe and refer to a specific geographical context.,Acquire or reinforce knowledge in three areas corresponding to three critical resources: i) water and aquatic habitats ii) air and air quality iii) biodiversity, in particular wild flora and fauna and habitats associated with human-modified landscapes.,

general content

Describe and analyse a number of historical environmental causes.,Methods for analysing the geography of a specific area: learning how to implement such methods in physical geography and biogeography.,Hydrology in watersheds and transfer of pollutants: water balance, water pathways and transfer mechanisms of different polluting elements.,Biodiversity conservation and application of ecology to environmental questions: conservation issues and essential knowledge for identifying possible action to reverse biodiversity declines and collapse.,Basic management of woodland areas: trees and their physiology and forest stand management.,The study of air quality and the processes contributing to its degradation or improvement. ,Literature search skills and conducting a literature review for a specific purpose. Reading scientific articles in English. This work will be on a current topic provided by an external partner organisation and should lead to clear recommendations for fieldwork to be carried out during the second EAEM module. ,


Lectures, group study and debate with teachers, guided groupwork, individual study and analysis.


Written reports (geography and literature review), written examination, oral presentation, personal analysis of an environmental cause. At least two thirds of the final mark is individual. ,


Ambroise-Rendu A.C., Hagimont S., Mathis C.F. et Vrignon A. (2021) Une histoire des luttes pour l’environnement. 18e-20e, trois siècles de débats et de combats. Editions Textuel, Paris, 304 p. [J-0-153],Fovet-Rabot, C. 2018. Écrire en style scientifique et technique en 5 points. Montpellier (FRA) : CIRAD, 5 p. ,Fort M., Arnaud-Fasseta G., Bétard F. (2015) Géomorphologie dynamique et environnement. Armand Colin, 333 p.,Da Lage A., Metailie G. (2005) Dictionnaire de la biogéographie végétale. CNRS Editions, Paris, 579 p. [B-21],Musy A., Higy C., Reynard E. (2014) Hydrologie 1 : une science de la nature, une gestion sociétale. Coll. Ingénierie de l’environnement, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 489 p. [B-53-41],Jaffrézic A., Gascuel C., Guiet S., Jalam G., Troccaz O. (2013) Territ’Eau : role du paysage et des pratiques agricoles sur la qualité de l’eau. MOOC de l’Université virtuelle Environnement & Développement durable., série de vidéos Paris-Saclay (2018)