Agricultural transformation

main objectives

- To perceive, understand and analyse the challenges of agricultural globalisation: the winners and losers of globalisation.,- To analyse the role of international institutions in the field of agriculture,- To understand and analyse future developments in the agricultural world (agro-ecology / digital / diversification of farm forms),- to understand the challenges of the main sectors (meat and cereals),

general content

- Geo-economic strategies,- International trade in agri-food products,- Diversification of farm forms,- Agriculture as a development project within a territory,- Sociology of agricultural and agri-food organisations,- Societal responsibilities of the company,- Agro-ecology (challenges of the agro-ecological transition),- Digital issues in agriculture,- The circular economy,


Classes, workshops, case studies (Social Responsibilities of Businesses)


Written Exam


Agricultures à l’épreuve de la modernisation – Estelle Deléage – Editions Quae,Pierre Blanc, Sébastien Abis Géopolitique de l’agriculture, Paris, Eyrolles, oct 2020,Sebastien Abis, Mathieu Brun, Le Demeter 2021, Paris, IRIS Editions, février 2021,Philippe Moreau Defarges, Introduction à la géopolitique, Paris, Points, juin 2021.,Ardavan Amir-Aslani, Le siècle des défis – Grands enjeux géostratégiques internationaux, Paris, L’Archipel, avril 2021.,Sylvie Matelly, Géopolitique de l’économie- 40 fiches illustrées pour comprendre le monde, Paris, Eyrolles, avril 2021.,