Environmental Sustainability

main objectives

To become aware of:, -the fundamental place of the ‘environmental component’ as a condition for shared and sustainable human development (Rio Declaration 1992, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005), the magnitude and diversity of human-induced global changes,-the importance and vulnerability of natural resources in the provision of goods and services necessary for human well-being, -the need to preserve and supplement them, through the transition from a linear to a circular economy, -the particular role of agriculture as a primary and major global sector of activity, and the opportunities that arise from it.,,Develop an investigative and evaluative approach by studying a real innovative device with an environmental purpose, and share this work by presenting it to other students.,,Prepare to mobilise these concepts and techniques to meet current and future environmental challenges.,

general content

After a general approach to the concept of Sustainable Development, it is proposed to examine the main sectors of society from the point of view of sustainability, with a particular focus on agricultural and agro-industrial activities:,- general issues of sustainable development (unequal human development, limited resources, solidarity between present and future generations),- availability and prospects of resources from the environment (extraction, transformation, disposal): , - materials, waste, water and effluents, linear or circular economy, - Fossil and renewable energies, energy mix, energy policies, Negawatt scenario, - Impacts on the environment and public health, - greenhouse effect, climate change, carbon footprint, - exposure to pollutants, food and health.,,In small groups, research and evaluation (environmental, ecological and social) of an existing environmental project (infrastructure, technical process, equipment or intangible device). ,,


Lectures, tutorials, independent work in small groups


Written examinations (MCQs, written composition, document analysis). ,Oral presentation (slide show) with discussion. ,Submission of written work (online).,


Our common future (G. Bruntland et al, UN Ed,. 1987),The story of stuff (A. Leonard, video on www.storyofstuff.org),Various documents and press articles depending on the news (international conferences, environmental disasters, new regulations…).,