Multifunctional Agriculture

main objectives

Acquire and strengthen scientific and technical skills and know-how in the fields of zootechnics, agronomy and ecology.,• Methods for diagnosing cultivated plants. Methods of technical management (perennial, annual crops, etc.),• Major principles of animal production management (monogastrics and ruminants),• Methods for analysing biological communities for an ecological diagnosis (semi-natural environments: meadows, grass cover, hedges, etc.),• Forage systems (agronomy/zootechnics),,Use of a wide ranging scientific skills/knowledge (agronomy, zootechnics, ecology) in the context of an agricultural production system,Acquire the necessary knowledge (analytical tools, sampling methods) to carry out a diagnosis of an agricultural production system.,,Applied ecology,To be able to:,• describe and analyse the ecological aspects of a heavily and less heavily anthropised environment,• carry out flora and fauna sampling using standardised methods,• identify a list of species or taxa of plants and animals and know something of their lifestyles and traits,• to make the link between ecological and agronomic or agri-environmental situations,,Agronomy,To be able to:,• describe and analyse a cultivated plant population as part of an agronomic diagnostic approach to the variability of yield and production quality and in relation to technical levers.,• understand the fundamentals of plant phytopathology (main parasitic and especially cryptogamic diseases of plants, the main kingdoms of fungi, the infectious cycle and interactions with the environment and the host plant). ,Two diseases will be developed as a model, one on grape vines and one on annual grass.,,zootechnics,To be able to:,• Understand the principles of monogastric breeding (pig breeding as a model),• Understand the types of fodder used for ruminants: method of packaging/conservation and relationship with fodder quality and nutritional value.,• Calculate a ration for ruminants using rationing software (INRAtion),• Understand the fundamentals of a forage system (definition, choice of species/combinations of species, farming method, crop rotation, decision rules, etc.) and apply these principles to case studies (TP Rami Fourrager ),

general content

Applied ecology,• Applied ecology: Introduction to applied ecology using examples related to agriculture and nature conservation (2 CM in English – J Pithon),• Analysis of the biotic component of grassland systems and other semi-natural spaces,• Implementation of standardised sampling methods,• Interpretation of biological data for a diagnosis related to practices (2 tutorials – N Cassagne),,Viticulture,Elaboration de la qualité du raison (1 CM, R. Siret),,Agronomy,• Methods for evaluating plant cover (2 CM + TD – G Hellou),• Cryptogamic diseases (2 CM – R Baccar),,Viticulture,Elaboration of the quality of reason (1 CM, R. Siret),,zootechnics,• Pork production (Y Lautrou - 4 CM),• Fodder: Quality and use (C Cortes - 2CM),• Fodder systems (T. Small - 2CM),• INRation practical work (C Lechartier - 2 practical work),,Use of disciplines,• Rami Fourrager (Agronomist/zootechnician duo) - 3 TP),Construction and evaluation of fodder systems using knowledge of agronomy (rotation) and zootechnics (fodder, rationing) in relation to a given pedo-climatic context,• Grassland diagnosis: Relations between ecological traits of grassland species and uses in animal production (ecologist/zootechnician duo – 2 field trips, 2 tutorials),,


Lectures, field trip, TP/TD, use of software (INRAtion) and serious game (Rami Fourrager),