Multifunctional Agriculture

main objectives

In the context of insuring high and qualitative yields while preserving resources, the objective of this module is to understand and analyze the factors that influence plant production at a field level. Using wheat as an example, the aim is to: (i) understand plant population conditions (biotic and abiotic) and yield components, (ii) understand the interactions between the environment and the crop management plan, (iii) master crop diagnosis methods and management tools, (iv) recommend technical methods adapted to a farmer’s constraints and their production methods.

general content

This module alternates classes with practical work in order to link practices and fundamental knowledge. ,It covers: ,• Yield elaboration and technical management of wheat crops.,• Group and field work on: ,• Realizing a comprehensive diagnosis of a wheat field using on-field crop and soil observations, and the analysis of the crop management plan set up by the farmer.,• Monitoring (in groups) of experiments set up by professional partners (chamber of agriculture, technical institute, research laboratory) by following a scientific approach (context establishment and literature to result analysis and presentation passing by protocol designing and data collection). This work is led by group (4-5 students) and followed by a tutor teacher,• Analysis of a scientific article in English following successive steps (understanding, synthesis, presentation) with the help of an English teacher and a teacher in agronomy.,


Lectures, tutorials, Group work, personal work, farm and field visits, seminars / conferences (depending on year)


Orals (in group), reports, written exam


Masson E. 2012. Diagnostic des accidents du blé tendre. Arvalis Institut du végétal, Paris. 144 p.,COMIFER, 2011. Calcul de la fertilisation azotée : guide méthodologique pour l’établissement des prescriptions locales. COMIFER. 83 p.,Introduction, ma recherche bibliographique, ma synthèse ou état de l’art et moi,C’est quoi une synthèse bibliographique ?,ARVALIS : Toute l’info pour gérer son exploitation agricole (