Production and Transformation of Milk and Meat (Livestock)

main objectives

- To become proficient in the main zootechnical aspects of milk and meat production and the factors of quality variation for these two products and master the main aspects of meat and milk processing. ,- To be able to make the connection between production in the strict sense of the word and the operation of value chains.,

general content

- Quality Variation factors in milk production,- Quality and industrial use of milk.,- Quality Variation factors in meat production,- The transformation of muscle into meat,- Cutting beef.,- Functioning of the beef, pork, poultry and milk sectors ,- Pathologies affecting the quality of milk and meat,- Animal welfare,,


- Classes, Seminars (TD), Practical Work (TP) by professors and outside specialists,- Field Trips in west of France: Livestock farms, slaughter houses, dairy farms, large and medium-sized retailers,- Study trip to a European country,- Meat cutting training.,- Bibliographical Study,
