Professional skills development

main objectives

Business strategy, technology, marketing, consumer behaviour, Be able to answer to a complex request coming from professionals or regional/national food products organisms., Analyse the demand and implement the means to carry out the study and interpret the results in order to propose some solution., Be able to mobilise the knowledge from different disciplines , Be able to work in a group and with professionals from the typical food sector, Train students to mobilize knowledge in different areas/field.,

general content

Case study work:,The students receive a request coming from an external structure (company, SMEs, producer, organism).,They will have to prepare and propose a solution and budget regarding the specificity of the demand, to collect data (literature review and/or field study) in order to answer to the request. ,Then, the group of students carries out the use and interpretation of data with the help of lecturers.,The students write a report including their results, and present it in front of representatives of the external structure ,Each group of students is tutored by a lecturer of the master.


Oral defence and writing report