Sensory Analysis
main objectives
Sensory analysis and consumer behaviour, Be able to analyze, using statistical tools, quantitative and qualitative data used in research, Be able to achieve objective evaluation of beverages, condiments, sauces and other typical foods using sensory analysis, Be able to understand the link between sensory attributes of food products and the factors in the development of these products that have contributed to these attributes , Be able to analyze, using appropriate statistical tools, results of sensory analysis tests.,
general content
Statistical analysis,From Tasting to sensory analysis,Sensory judges' training,Qualified judges' training and statistics,Panel leader training and statistics,Panel leader training and statistics,Team work and conclusions,Visits to agri-food and beverages companies,Evaluation of the module
Multiple choice test: 1 individual final test at the end of the course ,evaluation of an individual work on one PDO/PGI product,