Professional Agricultural Organizations

main objectives

Discover the current landscape of Professional Agricultural Organizations in France (unions, chambers of agriculture, cooperation, mutualism and credit).,- Reconstruct the genesis of this landscape ,- Understand the processes of destructuring and restructuring that are currently taking place in , Professional Agricultural Organizations,- Understand the power relations and the spaces of negotiation between the agricultural profession, actors within agricultural sectors and the civil society ,on the issues of creating value for a product and securing outlets, preserving the environment and territorial development.,,

general content

1) Historical review: birth and development of Professional Agricultural Organizations in France,2) The major contemporary agricultural organizations,3) Working with new actors...,


4 lectures + 2 tutorials to deepen certain points seen in class: tutorials with prior reading of articles and then sharing of knowledge in the form of collective oral presentations.


- 1 table-top exam (essay) ,- 1 oral exam (text commentary and collective discussion),


Hervieu Bertrand and Purseigle François, Sociologie des mondes agricoles, Armand Colin, 2013.,-> especially chapter 5: An organized social and political force”.,-Hervieu Bertrand et al, (dir,), Les mondes agricoles en politique, Paris, Presses de sciences politiques, 2010.,-Coulomb Pierre et al (dir.), Les agriculteurs et la politique, Paris, Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1990.,-Dossier ” Representing farmers “, Politix, 2013/3, n°103.,-Dossier ” L’univers des organisations professionnelles agricoles “, Pour, n° 196-197, March 2008.,”