International Questions, Negotiation Skills

main objectives

To analyze developments in international issues in agriculture, food and sustainability with an interdisciplinary approach.,To develop general knowledge of international trade in agriculture products.,To identify geopolitical and geoeconomic issues in international exchanges.,To prepare a negotiation strategy in a specific context: WTO.,To develop the ability to communicate and argue in groups.,To develop critical thinking and open-mindedness.,

general content

Lecture courses:,• Theoretical principle of development,• World Trade Organization (negotiation issues, functioning, power of countries, coalition issues),• Sociology of controversies (diversity of the areas, positions and various views),• Attitudes and values (intercultural approach),• Interpersonal communication (issue and influencing strategies in interpersonal relationships),• Managing conflict in interpersonal relationships,,Methodological contents:,• Argumentation and negotiation using the game ‘The prisoner’s dilemma’.,• Accompaniment in negotiation .


6 Lecture courses,2 methodological sessions,2 role playing games (negotiation WTO),Works in groups of 6,Participatory teaching method with discussions,Individual reading,


Group Oral presentations (Chosen negotiation, objectives, strategy adopted before the role-playing game and results obtained after the negotiation).,Group Written report (analysis of the negotiation day).,Written individual exam covering one WTO subject (two hours) from a bibliography prepared by the students.,


Bibliography prepared by the students from a WTO subject,Merton, R. (1957). The Sociology of Science. Theoretical and Empirical investigations, the University of Chicago Press.,Callon, M., Lascoumes, P., & Barthe, Y. (2014). Agir dans un monde incertain : Essai sur la démocratie technique, Le Seuil.,E. Marc, D. Picard, (2017) Relations et communications interpersonnelles Ed° Dunod. F. Petiteville, D. Placidi-Frot, (2013),Négociations internationales, Ed° Presses de Science Po,F. Courleux, J. Carles (2020), « Le multilatéralisme agricole depuis l’OMC : entre échec et renouveau » Le Déméter 2020,M. Abbas, (2012), « L’OMC et le système commercial international, enjeux des politiques commerciales du xixe siècle », Développements récents en économie et finances internationales,