MAURY Chantal

Head of research unit USC GRAPPE
Food Products and Processes (USC GRAPPE)
Viticulture and oenology
+33 2 41 23 55 55 Profil Research Gate Profil Linkedin

She is head of the USC GRAPPE research unit at École Supérieure des Agricultures (Angers, France). Having a background in chemistry, she performed a PhD in red wine analyses and got her HDR (Accreditation to supervise research) in 2019. Her research focusses on the impact of certain conditions (terroirs, noble rot, vineyard management) on the quality of grapes and wines. This quality is mainly based on the phenolic compounds content, but also on the texture and the sensory characterization of the products. She’s developing tools/indicators to characterize grape and wine quality, and in particular hyperspectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy. She teaches at master level courses mainly on phenolics, grape quality and grape and wine analyses.

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-3733-594X