Pierre Picouet


Director of the Research and Development department
Food Products and Processes (USC GRAPPE)
Food, Technology and Bioresource Sciences
+33 2 41 23 55 55
p.picouet@groupe-esa.com Profil Research Gate

Since 2021, Director of Research and Development department at ESA. BsC and MsC in Physics from the University of Provence Marseille, (France), with a PhD in applied Physics from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and a Professional thesis (HDR: Accreditation to supervise research) in food processing from the University of Montpellier (France). From 1997 to 2003, he has worked in different postdoctoral position in Spain (University of Valladolid), United Kingdom (Robert Gordon University) and Italy (CNR, Milano). From 2003 to 2016 he joins IRTA in Spain as researcher to work on alternative processing (Microwaves, Radiofrequency, High pressure processing and light pulse) on different food matrix (meat, vegetables, fruits and cereals).

Since 2016 he joins ESA and the USC GRAPPE research unit, to work on adaptation of raw materials to transformation and the integration of integration of non-destructive technologies along the food chain. In 2021, I have been nominated Director of the Research and Development department.

From the Education point of view, I am the responsible of the option “implementation of digital technology to food industry” and I participated in bachelor formation with lessons on data analysis and packaging.

At last he has 57 publications in peer review journals, 3 book chapters and numerous communications in scientific conferences. (see research gate profile for details)


ORCID Number: 0000-0003-2754-174X