Geographical Indications as Global Knowledge commOns (GIngKo). Reassessing current models of regulation and collective action in the context of agroecological transitions
This 4-year project, led by the UMR SADAPT (Armelle Mazé) and starting in January 2023, brings together 9 partners including the ESA in Angers.
This project is centered, using the boundary concept of “knowledge commons” as developed by Charlotte Hess and Elinor Ostrom (2007) and recently extended by Hess (2012) and Frischmann et al.
(2014), on the study of the potential role of Geographical Indications (GIs) as a lever for action in fostering agro ecological transitions (AET) and strategies (re)-territorializing towards more sustainable social-ecological systems (SES) in agri-food sectors. In France, the recent so-called EGALIM law (n° 2018-938 of 30/10/2018) has defined a national road map to favor healthier, safe and sustainable food systems, which stipulates the need for GIs systems to explicitly incorporate more agroecological practices in their technical specifications or in relation to current stakeholder practices. However, this road map does not define a one fit all solution, and GIs systems are confronted to major socio-economic challenges in moving towards more sustainable SES.
Fundings : ANR, Région Pays de la Loire, INRAE, ESA
Contact GRAPPE : Cécile Coulon-Leroy
Partners : INRAE UMR SADAPT (pilote), CIRAD UMR Innovation, VetAgroSup UMR Territoire, INRAE UMR SELMET, LER Université Lyon 2, ISARA Lyon, ESA Angers, INRAE LAE Colmar, INRAE ODR Toulouse