Social, well-being and health effects

main objectives

Terroir as a vector of social and personal identity:,• This class aims to sensitize students to the manner in which identity is at the heart of both the terroir concept and the lived experience of a terroir chain. Students will appreciate that terroir is as much a human as an economic phenomenon,,Introduction to French gastronomy and eating habits:,• Getting to know France (overview of main geography and history elements related to food habits) Getting to know French culture through gastronomy, important element of daily life,,French specialities:,• Through chosen examples of French regions and specialities, it will be focused on what is at stake in modern French society and regional cultures: identity, health and economy issues. ,,‘La grande Tablée’, or how a winegrowers Union creates cohesion and notoriety through a festive event:,• to show how terroir product production is part of a social network and how this network influences product valorization,,Wine, from History to Traditional Culture:,• To help understand why the vision of wine is so different from a French perspective to an international one. The producer is the key person who creates the added value of the wine. The cultural aspects help valorize the product and the boomerang effect benefits the wine makers

general content

Terroir as a vector of social and personal identity:,• “We are what we eat” and “Show me with whom you eat and I will tell you who you are” are common phrases that illustrate the connections between food and identity. This class teaches the particular role played by both social and personal identity in the development of a terroir chain.,,Introduction to French gastronomy and eating habits:,• Discovery of French gastronomy through the geography of the country where it developed Discovery of modern food habits and overview of French culture (cooking, eating together, family, health issues and government programs, influence of immigration, relevant historical elements),,French specialties:,• Reaction of French cooking traditions and habits in front of globalized food consumption struggle for the preservation of regional identity use of stereotypes and modern science to promote the value of their products.,,‘La grande Tablée’, or how a winegrowers Union creates cohesion and notoriety through a festive event:,• La Grande Tablée is an annual festive event organized by the community of winegrowers of the producers' union of Saumur-Champigny, a red wine from the Loire Valley. This course aims to show how the producers, through collectively agreeing to offer the wine free of charge during this festival, transform the participants into ambassadors of the AOC, and thus gain prestige and notoriety, which ultimately has repercussions on wine sales.,,Wine, from History to Traditional Culture:,• In this 2-hour class we will try and understand why France has been considered for centuries as the birth place of wine whereas we know that it was cultivated long before in other countries. Therefore, we will go through the origin and the history of wine right from the beginning to the development and peak in France. We will also discover wine as a symbol and a landmark in French culture. Wine and religion, wine and nobility, why wine has become a part of French life? The anthropological aspect and the semiotics of wine culture will also be tackled helping the students discover and understand wine as a traditional object.,


Presentation in class Company visits and ‘in situ’ presentation Study cases


Group term project,Oral defense,


Terroir as a vector of social and personal identity:,,• Bibliography:,- Amiline, V., From Territory to Terroir? The cultural dynamics of local and localized food products in Norway. (2011). Available at,- Benedict, A, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism (Verso, 1991) ,- Breugel, M., Nicoud M., et Barlosius., (dir), Les choix des aliments : Informations et pratiques alimentaires de la fin du Moyen Age à nos jours, (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2010) ,- Brulotte, R., and Di Giovine, M.A. (eds), Edible Identities: Food as Cultural Heritage (Routledge, 2016) ,- Cardon, P., Depecker, T.,et Plessz, M., Sociologie de l’alimentation, (Armand Colin, 2019) ,- Chapelot, D., et Louis-Sylvestre, J., (dir) Les comportements alimentaires, (Lavoisier, 2004) ,- Demossier, M, ( 2018) Terroir, Wine Culture and Globalization : What terroir does to wine Available at :,- Feagan, R., The place of food: mapping out the “local” in local food systems, in Progress in Human Geography, 2007/31 n°1, pp 23-42,- Fischler, C, Food, self and Identity, Social Science Information, 1988, vol 27, n°2, pp. 275-92,- Flandrin, J-L, et Montarini, M, (dir) , Histoire de l’alimentation, (Fayard, 1996) ,- Ichijo, A., Johannes, V., Ranta, Ronald, The Emergence of National Food: The Dynamics of Food and Nationalism, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019,- Masolo, D.A., Community, Identity and the Cultural Space, Rue Descartes, 2002, vol2, N° 36, pp 19-51,- Anthropology of Food : ,- March 2007 : Special issue on local food products and systems,- Numéro 8/2011 : Patrimoines Alimentaire,- Numéro7/20I2 : Nordic Food Culture,- Numéro 11/2016 : Cultures Alimentaires et Territoires,- Numéro 14/2020 : Contester le terroir: nouveaux imaginaires anthropologiques sur le goût de l’endroit,,• Suggested resources:,- For a discussion from an American perspective see Jones, Sharyn “Terroir and the Family Farm: Local Food and Raising Heritage Pigs in Northern Kentucky” in Anthropology of Food, Number 14/2020 and available at,,“Introduction to French gastronomy and eating habits” & “French specialties”, ,• Bibliography Pitte J.-R. : ,- Gastronomie française : Histoire et géographie d’une passion (1991), Fayard,- Drouard A. : Le Français et la table : Alimentation, cuisine, gastronomie du Moyen-Âge à nos jours (2005), Ellipses ,- Fumey G., Etcheverria O. : Atlas mondial des cuisines et gastronomies (2009), Autrement ,- Pêcheur J. : Civilisation progressive du français (2010), FLE CLE International ,- Andan C., Nachon A. : À table ! À la découverte du repas gastronomique des Français (2017), FLE Presses Universitaires de Grenoble ,- Pitte J.-R. : Atlas gastronomique de la France (2017), Armand Colin,- Roesch R., Rolle-Harold R. : La France au quotidien (2020), FLE Presses Universitaires de Grenoble,,‘La grande Tablée’, or how a winegrowers Union creates cohesion and notoriety through a festive event:,,• Bibliography,- Delfosse Claire, sous la dir., 2011. La mode du terroir et les produits alimentaires. Paris, Les indes savantes, 357 p.,- Marache Corinne, Meyzie Philippe, sous la dir., 2015. Les produits de terroir, l’empreinte de la ville. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Presses universitaires François Rabelais, collection Table des hommes, 300 p.,- Sarrazin François, 2020. La construction sociale des terroirs viticoles : pour des consommateurs connaisseurs, complices et ambassadeurs, pp 177-194. [in] Jean-Louis Yengué & Kilien Stengel, 2020.Le terroir viticole, Espace et figures de qualité, Tours, Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, collection Tables des Hommes.,,• Suggested resources,- What is a gift economy? By Alex Turner:,,Wine, from History to Traditional Culture:,,• Bibliography,- Teil,Geneviève,2004. De la Coupe aux Lèvres. Première édition. Paris: Octares Editions.351 pages. Collection Applications de l’Anthropologie,- Argod Dutard, Françoise, 2007.Voyage aux Pays du Vin. Bouquins. 1300 pages. Collection Bouquins,- DION R. (1959), Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France, des origines au XIXe siècle de Roger Dion, CNRS Editions (2010),- BARTHES, Roland. 2002. Mythologies. Le Vin et le Lait. Editions du Seuil,,• Suggested resources,- The History of Wine in France:,- Landmark dates in the history of French wine: ,