DANIEL Karine Professor Economics and Social Sciences Research Unit (LARESS) / Sociology, economy and management Profil Linkedin DANIEL Karine
DAVIAU Claire Lecturer Culture, languages and communication +33 241 23 56 28 c.daviau@groupe-esa.com Daviau Claire
DEFOIS Justine LecturerR&D Engineer Animal husbandry / Livestock Systems Research Unit (USC URSE) 02 41 23 55 89 j.defois@groupe-esa.com Profil Linkedin DEFOIS Justine
DEZETTER Charlotte Associate ProfessorHead of research unit USC URSE Animal husbandry / Livestock Systems Research Unit (USC URSE) +33 2 41 23 55 55 c.dezetter@groupe-esa.com Profil Research Gate DEZETTER Charlotte
DI BIANCO Soazig Associate Professor Economics and Social Sciences Research Unit (LARESS) / Sociology, economy and management Profil Linkedin Di Bianco Soazig
DONZ Emma Associate Professor Food Products and Processes (USC GRAPPE) / Food, Technology and Bioresource Sciences +33 2 41 23 55 55 e.donz@groupe-esa.com Profil Linkedin DONZ Emma
DUFRECHOU Marie Associate Professor Food Products and Processes (USC GRAPPE) / Food, Technology and Bioresource Sciences 02 41 23 56 65 m.dufrechou@groupe-esa.com Profil Research Gate Profil Linkedin DUFRECHOU Marie